developing my intuition.

Intuition doesn’t come from nothing. You develop it by solving small problems and gradually working your way up to greater complexity. With practice the bigger problems become intuitive.

Most of this blog will probably be my notes on things I’ve built while learning Erlang. Maybe there will be other technical content mixed in. I might even write some stuff that isn’t technical at all.

I became interested in reliable and fault tolerant software while working as an IT technician at a local hospital in 2011. After repeated on-call weeks clocking nearly 40 hours of overtime I decided I should go back to school to study computer science so I could build software that doesn’t suck. Around that time, curious about how to achieve that lofty goal, a google search led me to Erlang. Life took me in different directions, however. I briefly pursued a PhD studying unconventional computing in swarms of simple mobile agents. I soon discovered that the practice of research was not for me. So I left with a terminal Master’s and took a job doing… research. I’ve found research in energy to be less removed from reality and therefore more to my liking. In all these years, I’ve kept dabbling with Erlang, but never really dedicated the time required to really learn it. Now I’m trying again to really learn.
